Use Wikipedia for free!

Tcell together with Wikimedia Group opens free access to mobile version of the most popular internet encyclopedia of “Wikipedia” for all their subscribers.

Wikipedia contains 29 million articles on 276 languages of the world. In terms of data and coverage of topics, the Wikipedia is considered the most complete encyclopedia ever created in human history. One of the main advantages of Wikipedia as a universal encyclopedia is the possibility to provide information in user’s native language, thereby keeping value of information in the aspects of cultural identity.

In order to use free access to Wikipedia, you should type the following addresses in the address line of your browser:

  • Free access to Wikipedia is provided only if there is a positive balance on subscriber’s account
  • Free access covers only mobile versions of Wikipedia (as indicated above). Billing will be made as per current tariff of subscriber in case of following links in Wikipedia to other websites.
  • The service is not free while using Opera Mini Browser